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(CDAV) Machine à pâtes Philips 7000 series HR2665/96 à 148,99€
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 The Fountain

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Nombre de messages : 236
Age : 40
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2007

The Fountain Empty
MessageSujet: The Fountain   The Fountain Icon_minitimeVen 3 Aoû - 13:36

The Fountain Poster1-fonut

RELEASE DATE: November 22nd, 2006
DIRECTOR: Darren Aronofsky
WRITER: Darren Aronofsky
STARRING: Hugh Jackman
STUDIO: Warner Bros. Pictures
GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-Fi
OFFICIAL SITE: thefountainmovie.com
RATING: 7.8/10 (14,297 votes)
RUNTIME: 97 minutes
BOX OFFICE: $10,144,010 (US total)
Format: (DVDRip)

if you could live forever? The Fountain is an odyssey about one man's
eternal struggle to save the woman he loves. His epic journey begins in
16th-century Spain, where conquistador Tomas (Hugh Jackman) commences
his search for the Fountain of Youth, the legendary entity believed to
grant immortality. As modern-day scientist Tommy Creo, he desperately
struggles to find a cure for the cancer that is killing his beloved
wife, Isabel (Rachel Weisz). Traveling through deep space as a
26th-century astronaut, Tom begins to grasp the mysteries that have
consumed him for a millennium. The three stories converge into one
truth, as the Thomas of all periods -- warrior, scientist, and explorer
-- comes to terms with life, love, death and rebirth.


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